If you’re male and over age 50, this message is specifically for you.

Prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer for men in America. In fact, it’s the leading cause of cancer-related death in men over age 75.

And experts say one in three men will develop this dreaded disease sometime during their lifetime.

But you don’t have to be a victim, if you take the simple steps you’ll discover here today.

It’s vitally important, since hundreds of thousands of new prostate cancer diagnoses will be made this year alone. This will lead to painful and debilitating treatments and tens of thousands of deaths.

You see, an enlarged and or inflamed prostate — which is common in men over age 50 — can be a precursor to prostate cancer.

Fortunately, today you will see how to prevent, reverse, and defeat prostate problems before it’s too late!

Hi, I’m Dr. David Brownstein.

In the next few minutes, I’ll reveal the five early warning signs of prostate cancer. Plus, I will show you the simple steps you need to prevent it.

The good news is that all these steps are easy to do. And they’ll not only put your mind at ease regarding prostate cancer, but they’ll help you:

  • Keep your prostate healthy
  • Reverse an enlarged or inflamed prostate
  • Eliminate prostate problems that can make urination difficult and painful

Best of all . . .

You Can Eliminate Prostate Problems Without Drugs

That’s critically important, because taking a prescription drug to relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate — a condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH — can actually increase your risk for prostate cancer.

Do you experience any of the following symptoms, or are you currently taking a prescription drug to relieve them?

  • Feeling an urgency to urinate
  • Having to strain to empty your bladder
  • Stop-and-go urination with dribbling
  • Trouble starting urination
  • Painful urination
  • Getting up frequently to go at night
  • A need to urinate after you’ve just “gone”

Even if you’re just beginning to experience these symptoms, or if your symptoms have been alleviated by taking a prescription drug, you need to take preventive steps now.

That’s because . . .

Like Most Men Over 50, You Are
at Risk for Prostate Cancer

Especially if you’re taking a prescription drug, have allowed your estrogen levels to get too high relative to your testosterone, or are iodine deficient.

These are just a few of the problems you’ll see today. Fortunately, there is a simple, safe, and drug-free solution that will keep your prostate healthy and give you the best protection against cancer.

But before we get started, let me introduce myself.

I’m a graduate of the Wayne University School of Medicine, and a family physician.

As a board-certified M.D., I’m also the medical director of the Center for Holistic Medicine in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

I’ve written 11 best-selling books on major health topics.

And I’m the editor of one of the most popular health advisory newsletters in America — Dr. Brownstein’s Natural Way to Health.

But most importantly for you, I’ve achieved excellent results for my patients in reversing a swollen and inflamed prostate and preventing prostate cancer.

I want you to obtain these same great results, and for this reason I’ve written two reports on this subject:

The Essential Guide for Good Prostate Health

6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer

What you’ll learn today is based on these reports, but don’t worry if you can’t remember everything. Just ahead, you’ll see a special offer to receive both reports FREE. This valuable information can save you a world of trouble, and even your life!

The 5 Early Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer —
And How to Prevent It

Early Warning Sign #1

Taking a prescription drug to relieve the symptoms of a swollen prostate may actually increase your risk for prostate cancer.

This is a fact. The FDA now requires warning labels on all prostate drugs that block the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (these are commonly prescribed types of prostate drugs).

The 5-alpha reductase enzyme converts testosterone to DHT, which is believed to cause the prostate to enlarge.

But blocking this natural enzyme doesn’t prevent prostate cancer. On the contrary, something in this drug increases your risk of developing it.

Worse yet, in two major multi-year studies, these drugs were found to increase the incidence of “aggressive prostate cancer” — the deadliest kind!

Prostate drugs have unpleasant side effects, too. Such as headaches, stomach aches, floppy muscles, decreased libido, and even erectile dysfunction — all while doing nothing to solve your problem.

And that brings us to an important point: Drugs are rarely cures for anything . . .

Let’s find out why, and then we’ll move on to the real solutions to prostate problems.

We’ve all been trained to see our doctors when we have a medical problem, and to blindly take whatever drugs they prescribe.

A few of these drugs are highly valuable, such as using an antibiotic to knock out a dangerous infection. But most drugs do NOT cure health problems. And there’s a very good reason for that.

Large pharmaceutical companies are public corporations whose mission is to grow sales and profits. They have a legal responsibility to their shareholders to do just that.

And since there is very little money in cures, drugs are specifically designed to treat symptoms, not to cure chronic health problems.

Obviously, if a health problem is cured by a drug, the patient has no need to buy that drug again.

On the other hand, if the drug treats only the symptoms of a medical problem — without curing it — the patient will continue to buy it, often for many years.

The drug companies have been very successful with this marketing strategy, treating the symptoms of health problems while not curing them. This is true for heart medications, arthritis medications, diabetes medications, and prostate medications.

It’s also true for allergy medications, digestive medications, insomnia medications, and antidepressant medications.

How about cancer? Same story!

And, sadly, the pharmaceutical industry is especially deceptive in its public relations when it comes to cancer, as they imply they are “searching for the cure.”

Make no mistake — they are NOT searching for a cure.

Cancer is a $110 billion-a-year “treatment industry.” So, the last thing the cancer medical industry wants is a cure.

And if you find this hard to believe, consider this fact:

Overall cancer death rates are essentially unchanged over the past 80 years. Certainly, no significant improvement has been made since the War on Cancer was signed into law by President Richard Nixon in 1971.

Yes, the death rates have been lessened for some cancers, but many others, including lung, thyroid, ovarian, breast, and prostate cancer, have all increased.

Remember, prostate cancer is the second most deadly cancer for men, and the leading cause of cancer-related death in men over age 75.

The important point to grasp here is that drug companies are in the “treatment business,” not the “curing business.”

The fact is, drug companies are simply NOT going to jeopardize hundreds of billions of dollars in drug sales by altering their research to find cures.

So, it’s up to you to prevent cancer before it’s too late.

Here’s a simple question for you:

Would you rather take drugs for life for health problems that are never corrected? Or would you like to solve your health problems and live free of drugs and the painful symptoms they’re supposed to treat?

If you answered “solve your health problems,” then keep reading, because you’ll see how to prevent, reverse, and cure prostate problems — all without drugs and their harmful side effects.

And if this idea of “solving your health problems” sounds like a good plan, stick with me. That’s because, just ahead, I’ll tell you about my monthly newsletter, Natural Way to Health, in which I routinely report on . . .

  • Drugs that don’t work and natural therapies that do
  • Disease-causing foods, additives, and chemicals to avoid
  • Drug industry propaganda that hurts your health
  • Prevention, reversal, and cures for all major diseases
  • Easy ways to shed unwanted pounds and gain energy

In a moment, you’ll see a special offer to try a risk-free subscription to Natural Way to Health for just a few pennies a day. It includes FREE digital copies of my two prostate reports, plus additional FREE bonus materials.

But let’s first return to the early warning signs of prostate cancer, and how you can prevent it.

Early Warning Sign #2

Men who have too much estrogen relative to their testosterone are at higher risk for prostate cancer.

Remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger, the muscular movie star and former governor of California, called his political opponents “girlie men”?

His remark was intended to show them “who was boss,” but interestingly, there’s some truth to his words.

As you age, you produce less and less testosterone, but without a corresponding drop in your levels of the female hormone estrogen.

In time, you have too little testosterone and too much estrogen. This causes several problems — weaker muscles, graying hair, reduced sex drive, and a chronically enlarged prostate.

Now, while an enlarged prostate does not mean you’ll get prostate cancer, it is one precursor to it, especially if accompanied by inflammation.

Inflammation, which we’ll discuss just ahead, is at the root of all the major diseases. These include arthritis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, prostatitis, enlarged prostate, and cancer.

The solution is to have your hormone levels checked by a specialist, and then to balance them. Sadly, conventional doctors are way behind on this. Balancing your hormones is one of the best anti-inflammatory therapies that I have seen.

Most doctors don’t even test for hormones, and when they do, not many know how to read the results correctly.

And even when they do prescribe hormone supplementation, they prescribe synthetic hormones instead of natural, bioidentical hormones.

There’s a very good reason for that.

The American Medical Association and the U.S. pharmaceutical industry have a long history of working together. The drug industry actually helped train physicians and taught them to use their drugs for therapy.

In America, M.D.s are trained in medical school to diagnose health problems and then to prescribe specific drugs to treat those problems.

That’s why when you see a doctor, you get a prescription for one or more drugs. And again, that’s a good thing if you have an infection that needs an antibiotic.

But it’s ineffective and harmful in many cases. And it’s the wrong solution for prostate problems and hormone replacement.

You see, drug companies do not sell natural hormones, or any other natural substances. Why? Because they can’t be patented.

Without a patent, they can’t make the hundreds of millions of dollars in profits that Wall Street and their shareholders demand.

For this reason, they alter natural hormones in the laboratory, creating a patentable drug that doctors will, in turn, prescribe.

In fact, the drug companies don’t wait for you to ask your doctor; they tell you in countless TV commercials that you have this or that problem and that you should ask your doctor for this or that drug.

Low-testosterone ads are the latest to hit the airwaves. And of course, they have a drug for it.

Are synthetic hormones safe and effective? I don’t believe they are.

Adverse effects are bound to occur when a natural hormone is altered to create a synthetic hormone.

Women know the problems with synthetic hormones — they have suffered an increase in breast cancer rates. In fact, one in seven women currently has breast cancer in the United States due, in part, to synthetic hormones.

One thing we do know from dozens of studies — natural bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy DOES NOT increase your risk for prostate cancer!

In my own practice, every patient receives a hormonal evaluation. I can tell you the vast majority have hormonal imbalances, and many men over 50 suffer with low levels of testosterone.

As you age, you need to keep your testosterone levels up for more youthful energy and healthy aging . . .

OK, let’s look at the next early warning sign of prostate cancer.

Early Warning Sign #3

The third early warning sign of prostate cancer is simply your age.

By age 50, the symptoms of an enlarged prostate are annoying. And by 60 and 70, they can be acute and dangerous.

An enlarged, swollen, or inflamed prostate puts you at risk for bladder infection, kidney damage, and prostate cancer.

I want to make sure you understand what the prostate gland does in your body, and then we can see how problems get started.

Where is the prostate and what does it do?

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. Its job is to produce and store seminal fluid.

Your prostate gland surrounds your urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder, and is normally just slightly larger than a walnut.

But if it becomes inflamed and swollen, it squeezes the urethra, impeding the flow of urine (and of seminal fluid during sex).

This leads to a feeling of urgency, a weak urine stream, and difficulty in emptying your bladder. It can also cause pain during sex.

In some cases, the prostate becomes infected. This is a condition called prostatitis, which must be treated with antibiotics.

However, if you don’t correct the underlying cause of your enlarged prostate, the inflammation and infection of prostatitis can become chronic, and this increases your risk for cancer.

Remember, no drug is a long-term solution. And it’s vitally important to get a permanent fix. That’s because statistics show 50% of all men will get prostatitis sometime during their lifetimes.

You’ll learn more about this in my reports, The Essential Guide for Good Prostate Health and 6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer — both FREE today, just for trying a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health for a few pennies a day.

But first, let’s continue our discussion of age-related prostate problems . . .

If you’re age 50 or over, you’re at increased risk for prostate cancer. And again, prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in men over age 75.

So, it’s very important to take preventive steps from the earliest age possible. The best time to start is right now.

I’m sure you have your PSA levels tested at the time of your annual physical. Your doctor probably physically examines your prostate to see if it’s enlarged or inflamed.

But here’s something important to know . . .

While an enlarged prostate with elevated PSA levels can be an indication of prostate cancer or a pre-cancerous condition, in my opinion it’s an inaccurate test that too often leads to unnecessary biopsies and cancer treatments.

There’s a much safer solution, but before I tell you about it, consider this. Over my years of practice, I’ve found that the mass PSA screening we do in the United States has resulted in tens of thousands of men being subjected to unnecessary biopsies, trauma, and cancer treatments.

Of course, the biopsy can miss the cancer altogether, and even if it hits the tumor dead on, it can spread cancer cells, which is very dangerous.

Just as bad, biopsy results can be misinterpreted. So the patient undergoes unnecessary prostate surgery or cancer treatment, which can be painful and debilitating.

Worse yet, conventional cancer treatments weaken your immune system, which in turn puts you at higher risk for all types of cancers.

A recent study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, startled its researchers with this finding.

They discovered that chemotherapy causes healthy cells to “secrete a protein that sustains cancer tumor growth” and creates resistance to further cancer treatment.

This explains why chemotherapy initially appears successful, only to prove ineffective when the cancer returns, often with a deadly vengeance.

For this reason, I put far more emphasis on cancer prevention, and that’s why I want you to have my two reports:

  1. The Essential Guide for Good Prostate Health
  2. 6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Just ahead, I’ll give you the 6 prevention steps, which are easy to do, but I also urge you to try a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health for just a few pennies a day, so you’ll receive FREE digital copies of these reports.

But let’s first move on to the next early warning sign of prostate cancer.

Early Warning Sign #4

You are deficient in iodine, an essential nutrient that protects against thyroid, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer.

This is probably entirely new to you, something you’ve never heard of before. But iodine deficiency has reached epidemic proportions in America.

It’s a serious problem because every cell in your body requires iodine to function properly, and iodine is especially important to the thyroid, breast, ovary, and prostate gland.

In fact, I’m convinced the increased incidence of thyroid, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer in this country is directly related to iodine deficiency.

The vast majority of doctors do not test for iodine deficiency. Yet I have found in my practice that 96% of my patients have low iodine levels.

Are these low levels unique to the people of West Bloomfield, Michigan, where I practice medicine? Of course not — this is a nationwide problem.

So, let’s discover more about iodine and why you need it to prevent prostate and other cancers.

Two centuries ago, Swiss physician Jean-Francois Coindet showed that goiter, which is swelling of the thyroid gland, could be successfully treated with iodine.

That was the first time that a single nutrient — iodine — was used to treat a specific illness. And this historic event is considered the beginning of Western medicine, where doctors make a diagnosis and prescribe one drug to treat that diagnosis.

In America in the early 1900s, two large-scale studies were conducted with school children in the Midwest, after 40% to 56% were found to have goiter, or swollen thyroid glands.

In both studies, iodine supplementation cured the children’s goiter.

And with these results, in 1924 the U.S. government recommended that iodine be added to table salt. Large bakeries began adding iodine to bread, as well.

These efforts appeared to solve the iodine deficiency within a few years, and few medical professionals have given it much thought since.

But in the 1970s, in what I consider to be the most foolish act of the U.S. food industry, the iodine additive in bread was replaced with bromine.

If you read the labels on breads, pastas, and many other packaged foods, you’ll often see “bromated” or “brominated” flours and oils.

Bromine makes food manufacturing cheaper, and it’s also useful in the production of medicines and hundreds of consumer products, including the interior parts of automobiles and fire retardants in computers and smartphones. It is found in thousands of consumer items.

Avoiding bromine today is impossible.

That’s a major problem because bromine, which is in the same family of halides as iodine, competes with iodine in the body, binding to iodine receptors and blocking iodine absorption.

And so the wide use of bromine in foods and consumer products has created a new iodine deficiency in this country that has gone undiagnosed.

The result is that millions of Americans are suffering fatigue, headaches, depression, brain fog, irritable moods, and low libido, as well as an increased risk for thyroid, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

Remember, the death rates for cancer are nearly unchanged in 80 years. And thyroid, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer have, in fact, increased.

I believe this is partly the result of bromine toxicity, which has increased the iodine deficiency problem.

Fortunately, iodine deficiency is easy to correct, although conventional doctors rarely test for it.

That’s why when you try a no-risk subscription to my monthly newsletter for a few pennies a day, I’m also going to give you a FREE COPY of my report, Iodine: The Most Misunderstood Nutrient.

In this report, I’ll show you how to supplement with iodine drops, not only to help prevent thyroid and prostate cancer, but also to improve your thyroid function, gain energy, and lose weight — all for about 2 cents a day.

I have found in my practice that iodine supplementation is often the single most effective therapy for improving one’s health. It solves numerous problems, from fatigue to poor mental function to cancer.

Now, let’s look at the final early warning sign for prostate cancer, and then we’ll review the 6 steps to prevent prostate cancer. You’re going to find these easy to do, and they could SAVE YOUR LIFE!

Early Warning Sign #5

You’re overweight because of eating the Standard American Diet. Just 20 extra pounds puts you at an increased risk for prostate cancer.

Many men over age 50 carry an extra 20 pounds or more, often just in their belly. That not only creates a higher risk for prostate cancer, but it’s almost a sure predictor of future heart disease, too.

But before I tell you more about this risk, let me say I know that people have their favorite foods and don’t want to give them up.

I know from my own patients that this is one of the most difficult steps in preventing prostate cancer — and all the degenerative diseases.

But you should know that . . .

If you were to cut back 40% to 50% on bad foods and replace them with good foods, you’d be taking a giant step toward preventing obesity, digestive disorders, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

In fact, whatever improvement you can make in this area will improve your health and boost your energy. Just ahead I’ll show you an easy way to do it that won’t require much work or sacrifice.

But first, let’s see just what the Standard American Diet, called SAD, is all about.

The Standard American Diet consists of too many sugars and refined flours, oils and salts, as well as chemical preservatives and sweeteners.

All these foods create inflammation. And inflammation is at the root of all degenerative diseases, including an enlarged prostate and prostate cancer.

For example, all refined foods promote inflammation.

By contrast, whole foods, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts, have anti-inflammatory properties.

With just this little bit of knowledge, you can immediately take action to prevent prostate cancer. Here’s how:

  • Cut back on sugars and white carbohydrate foods such as bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, chips, cookies, cakes, and ice cream.
  • Cut back on processed meats and dairy products.
  • Cut back on fruit juices and fruit-flavored yogurts that are loaded with sugar.
  • In place of corn, peanut, and soybean oil, use olive oil and coconut oil.
  • Use real butter instead of margarine.
  • Cut back on, or completely eliminate, foods in bags, boxes, cartons, and cans. That’s because they’ve all been refined, processed, and devitalized.

Unfortunately, the vitamins, minerals, and natural enzymes that your body needs for health and healing have been processed out of packaged foods.

In their place, harmful sugars, fats, salts and chemicals have been added.

Why do food manufacturers take the healthy nutrients out of foods and put harmful ingredients in?

The main reason is to increase their profits.

It prevents spoilage. Processed foods can sit on grocery store shelves indefinitely, and this boosts profits.

Is our food slowly killing us?

The Standard American Diet certainly is. That’s why our healthcare costs are higher than other modern countries. And then our expensive drug-based medicine — which rarely produces any cures — yields poorer results, too.

Remember, bad foods trigger inflammation. And inflammation is at the root of arthritis, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and cancer.

The fact is . . . the Standard American Diet is SAD because it leads to disease and premature death.

OK, so what’s the solution? It’s easy. Gradually start replacing some of the bad foods with good foods.

You already know which foods to reduce in your diet, so in their place add more fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts — preferably organic, to avoid pesticides.

You can eat organic meats in moderation, but shop at stores that carry meats free of hormones, antibiotics, or processing chemicals, which are in most deli meats.

All you do is cut back on the BAD inflammation-producing foods and replace them with your favorite GOOD foods that will make you feel better, give you more energy, and help you prevent cancer.

Best of all, you can receive FREE digital copies of my two prostate reports, as well as a FREE digital copy of my iodine report, just for trying a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health for pennies a day.

But let’s first review . . .

The 6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer

  1. Eat a healthier diet, replacing bad foods with good foods.

    You now have a pretty good idea of which foods are harmful, and which ones are healthy. Remember, you don’t have to radically change your diet. Just a 40% to 50% improvement will give you dramatic health benefits.

    In fact, when you see what great results you achieve, you’ll probably decide on your own to cut back on the bad foods even more.

  2. Avoid taking prescription drugs for enlarged prostate whenever possible.

    You now know that many drugs for treating the symptoms of an enlarged prostate increase your risk for “aggressive prostate cancer” — the deadliest type.

    You also know that the vast majority of drugs do nothing to cure your underlying problems, but rather only treat symptoms, while adding unwanted side effects.

    Instead of taking a drug, follow these simple steps to keep your prostate healthy, which will also help you prevent prostate cancer.

    Everything you need to know is in my reports, The Essential Guide for Good Prostate Health and 6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer.

  3. Maintain proper hormonal balance, including adequate testosterone.

    If you’re over age 50, you need to get your hormones checked by a doctor knowledgeable in natural hormone replacement therapy.

    If you have too little testosterone relative to your estrogen, then you need to supplement with natural testosterone. Again, this is not a hormone drug, but a natural hormone made for you at a compounding pharmacy.

    Take advantage of the special subscription offer and you’ll see how important hormone testing is, what to discuss with your doctor, and why you should supplement with natural hormones rather than synthetic hormone drugs.

  4. Ensure adequate iodine levels.

    You’ve discovered today that we have an undiagnosed epidemic of iodine deficiency in this country.

    That’s why we’re seeing widespread thyroid disorders, fatigue, headache, depression, low libido, obesity, and increased rates of thyroid, breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

    But when you try a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health today, you’ll receive a FREE copy of my report, Iodine: The Most Misunderstood Nutrient.

    In this report, you’ll see not only how important iodine is to your health, but also how to supplement with iodine drops for about 2 cents a day.

  5. Drink plenty of fresh pure water.

    Most people don’t realize how important water is to their health. And they also don’t know they are dehydrated.

    For one thing, dehydration aggravates prostate problems and can lead to inflammation, prostatitis, and even prostate cancer.

    That’s because plenty of fresh pure water flushes the toxins out of your body and keeps everything well-lubricated and working properly.

    Your body is 70% water when it is fully hydrated. If you fall below this level, you’re asking for health problems. This includes increased inflammation, which is at the root of all the degenerative diseases.

    I can tell you that, in 22 years of medical practice, I’ve seen hundreds of cases of prostate problems completely heal when dehydration is corrected.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking — “I do drink plenty of liquids every day.”

    Yes, but drinking plenty of liquids is not the same thing as drinking plenty of fresh water.

    Most people drink coffee, tea, sodas, fruit juices, sports and diet drinks, beer and wine, and some water.

    But you should know that caffeinated drinks, alcoholic beverages, and sugary drinks such as sodas, fruit juices, and many so-called sports drinks are all dehydrating.

    The fact is, most Americans walk around all day long in a state of dehydration that increases inflammation.

    And this inflammation increases their risks for infection, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

    You can drink your favorite beverages in moderation, as long you get the correct amount of fresh pure water every day.

    And what is the correct amount of water daily? It’s based on a formula for your body weight.

    When you try a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health for just a few pennies a day, you’ll receive FREE copies of The Essential Guide for Good Prostate Health and 6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer. And in these reports, you’ll get the formula.

    And then, once you’re adequately hydrated, the water will help flush the toxins out of your body, reduce inflammation, and help prevent and reverse enlarged prostate and other prostate problems.

  6. Take prostate-supporting nutritional supplements.

    Several nutrients are useful in supporting prostate health, and if you have an enlarged prostate you may be familiar with a few of them.

    When you try a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health for just a few pennies a day, you’ll receive your FREE reports. In them I’ll tell you exactly what you need to know. There are quite a few helpful nutrients, but you also need them in the correct amounts and proportions.

    That way, you won’t waste your money on ineffective or incomplete prostate-supporting supplements.

Try Natural Way to Health Risk-Free Today!

Here’s what you’ll receive when you take advantage of our special no-risk subscription offer:

1. FREE REPORT #1: Essential Guide for Good Prostate Health (a $15 [USD] value)

2. FREE REPORT #2: 6 Steps to Prevent Prostate Cancer (a $15 [USD] value)

3. FREE REPORT #3: Iodine: The Most Misunderstood Nutrient (another $15 [USD] value)

Again, these reports worth a total of $45 [USD] are yours FREE, just for trying a no-risk subscription to Natural Way to Health for as little as 14 cents a day. Yes, just 14 cents a day!

You’ll also gain unlimited access to our subscribers-only online archives, featuring over 90 past issues of Natural Way to Health covering:

  • Drugs that don’t work and natural remedies that do. See why arthritis drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, prostate drugs, and most other commonly prescribed drugs are unnecessary and often harmful.
  • Harmful foods and food additives that lead to inflammation and disease. Discover which foods do real harm, and the hidden ingredients in refined foods that lead to inflammation and disease.
  • How to reverse arthritis, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, digestive ailments, thyroid disorders, fatigue, and weight problems. In my monthly newsletter, I show you how to prevent and reverse all the major health problems, while also gaining energy and losing unwanted pounds.
  • Effective natural solutions for asthma and allergies, and dozens of other health problems. See how to reduce your reliance on, and even eliminate, drugs that don’t cure problems, but only treat symptoms.

There’s more, too . . .

  • Good foods to eat, bad foods to avoid, plus my guidance on vitamins, minerals, and the health benefits of unrefined sea salt. Your best course is to prevent illness and disease in the first place, and that’s a big part of Natural Way to Health.
  • Dangerous environmental toxins to avoid or cleanse from your body. See how to get tested for heavy metals and other immune-suppressing toxins, and how to safely get them out of your body.
  • How to balance your hormones, boost your immune system, and gain more energy. Most people just accept it when they start to feel tired and moody and develop bad skin and thinning or gray hair. But when your hormones are balanced and your immune system is working well, these problems disappear.
  • And, finally, answers to readers’ questions on important health issues.

Over the years, I’ve developed a valued relationship with my readers and many of them write to me. I encourage you to write to me, too.

Each month, in a special section called Ask Dr. B, I answer a few readers’ questions, and this guidance is valuable to nearly everyone.

OK, are you ready for better health and more energy? Want to prevent and reverse degenerative diseases? And particularly, eliminate prostate problems and prevent prostate cancer?

Of course you are! And there’s no better time to get started than right now . . .

Simply click here now to take advantage of our special no-risk subscription offer to try Natural Way to Health for as little as 14 cents a day.

By doing so, you’ll claim your FREE digital reports, and you’ll gain immediate access to my Natural Way to Health online archive, featuring over 90 past issues on nearly every health problem.

With the value you’ll receive in all these bonus gifts, your subscription is practically FREE.

When you click here now, you’ll have plenty of time to review your order and make your decision.

I’m confident you’ll be very happy with what you discover in my reports and monthly issues. I look forward to hearing from you.

And with that, let me say thanks for spending this time with me today. I’m Dr. David Brownstein — for your good health, naturally.

Click Here Now to Prevent & Defeat Prostate Problems!